Ways to Save

Buy ENERGY STAR appliances
The Department of Energy tests the efficiency of household appliances and electronics.  The best ear the ENERGY STAR label.

Qualified models often run more quietly, last longer, and are more convenient than conventional models.

We're offering rebates to customers who purchase certified ENERGY STAR appliances.  Learn more at lge-ku.com/rebates.

LG&E and KU, 220 West Main Street, Louisville, KY 40202
Raise your thermostat a few degrees in the summer
You can save 3-5% on cooling costs for each degree you increase the temperature on your thermostat during the summer.

Set the thermostat to 78 degrees or higher when you are awake and home, and use fans to stay comfortable.  Fans can help you feel 4 degrees cooler while using much less energy than air conditioning.

When you leave home, set your thermostat 10 degrees higher to avoid wasting energy.

Save up to $305 per year
Replace your inefficient light bulbs
Inefficient incandescent bulbs are costly to run and replace in the long term. Use compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs — they use 75% less energy and last at least ten times longer.

Save up to $35 over bulb life
Get a home energy analysis
Most homes have many opportunities to save energy and money, but it can be hard to know where to start. Schedule a home energy assessment to have a certified energy expert inspect your home for ways to save.

Save up to $460 per year

LG&E and KU, 220 West Main Street, Louisville, KY 40202

Unplug electronics when they're not in use
Many electronic devices and kitchen appliances use power even when they're turned off. To save energy, unplug them from the wall when you're not using them.

Save up to $50 per year
Weatherstrip windows and doors
Windows and doors can be responsible for up to 25% of heat loss in winter. To reduce leakage and save energy, seal your windows and doors with weatherstripping, caulk, foam, or door sweeps.

Save up to $230 per year
Choose an efficient water heater
If your water heater is more than 10 years old, you may need to replace it soon. Consider an energy-efficient system such as a heat pump water heater, tankless water heater, or solar water heater.

Save up to $300 per year

LG&E and KU, 220 West Main Street, Louisville, KY 40202

Reduce your water heater's temperature
Water heating accounts for up to 20% of a typical home's energy use. Lowering your water heater's temperature from 140°F to 120°F can result in a 10% savings on water heating costs and help prevent scalding.

Save up to $60 per year
Choose efficient light fixtures
Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) can save a lot of energy, but they may not work efficiently in your existing light fixtures. Look for ENERGY STAR® certified fixtures for the best performance.

Save up to $40 over bulb life
Use a laptop instead of a desktop computer
Laptops are up to 90% more energy efficient than desktops because they require less electricity to operate. Buy an ENERGY STAR® model and operate it in a low-power mode to maximize battery life and conserve energy.

Save up to $20 per computer per year

LG&E and KU, 220 West Main Street, Louisville, KY 40202
Use computer power-saving modes
Running a computer constantly wastes a lot of electricity. Set your computer to go into "sleep" mode after 20 minutes of inactivity. This uses less power and keeps programs open for when you return.

Save up to $55 per year
Check your air filters every month
Heating and cooling can account for more than 50% of your home energy use. By cleaning or replacing air filters regularly, you can improve the performance of your system and reduce energy costs.

Save up to $155 per year
Improve your home's insulation
Over 45% of heated air loss in winter can happen through walls, floors, and the roof — and hot summer air can enter through the same surfaces. Improving insulation can make your home more comfortable and reduce energy costs all year round.

Save up to $305 per year

LG&E and KU, 220 West Main Street, Louisville, KY 40202
Power down your cable or DVR box when it's not in use
Most set-top boxes in homes today constantly operate at near full power, even when no one's watching or recording a show. Consider unplugging your set-top box when you're not using it (note that it could take a few hours to reload certain features).

Save up to $25 per year
Install efficient showerheads
Showering accounts for about 40% of your home's hot water use, but you can cut costs without sacrificing comfort. Energy-efficient showerheads can reduce hot water use without compromising water pressure.

Save up to $120 per year

LG&E and KU, 220 West Main Street, Louisville, KY 40202

Turn off lights when not needed Help cut electricity costs by turning off lights when they're not needed, and make it a habit every time you leave a room. To help you remember, try leaving eye-catching reminders next to light switches and doorways. Save up to $30 per year Maintain your air conditioner If your AC system isn't properly maintained, it will cost more to run and require more frequent repairs. Schedule an inspection each spring to ensure your cooling system is running safely and efficiently before summer. Save up to $65 per year
Seal leaky ducts Your home could be losing up to 20% of its heated or cooled air if it's being transported through leaky ducts. Check for any obvious holes and seal them with mastic, then reinforce them with fiberglass mesh tape.
Save up to $245 per year LG&E and KU, 220 West Main Street, Louisville, KY 40202 04/07/2017

Close your shades in the summer
Sunlight passing through windows heats your home and makes your air conditioner work harder. You can block this heat by keeping blinds or drapes closed on sunny days.

Save up to $25 per year

Seal air leaks
Cracks between the inside and outside of your home can increase energy costs and make your home less comfortable. Follow drafts to their source to find any leaks, then seal cracks with caulk or polyurethane foam.

Save up to $305 per year

LG&E and KU, 220 West Main Street, Louisville, KY 40202

Avoid over-drying clothes
Hang-drying is the most energy efficient and low-cost way to dry clothes. If you do need to use a clothes dryer, make sure to run only full loads and remove lint from the filter after each cycle.

Save up to $15 per year

Maintain your heat pump
Heat pumps are used year-round, so they need regular maintenance in order to operate efficiently. Every few months, turn off the fan and clean it. Make sure to have your heat pump inspected by a professional every year.

Save up to $155 per year

LG&E and KU, 220 West Main Street, Louisville, KY 40202
Clean your refrigerator coils
Dirty or dusty refrigerator coils cause your fridge to work harder and use more energy. Vacuum the coils every few months, and leave three inches of space between your fridge and the wall to allow heat to escape.

Save up to $10 per year

LG&E and KU, 220 West Main Street, Louisville, KY 40202