Heirloom Seeds Our Cultural Past

Natural Resources Conservation Service Louisiana Many Field Office District Conservationist E. John Rogers 1st Revision – October 24, 2011  Excellent resource for the importance of saving our Native American heritage through seed saving.  

Have you ever wonder where your food comes from? Well thank the American Indians (North, Middle and South America)! Over 60% of all the food that the entire world eats today was originated and developed by American Indian people? It's true!
Tuscarora Flour Corn
Photo Meadowview Farm & Natural Habitat Gardens, LLC

SEED GARLIC - Availabe for fall 2016 planting.  

If you see the following garlic harvesting and storage instructions please do not follow: "In late summer, bend over tops to hasten yellowing and drying of tops.  Pull up the plants and allow to dry in the sun a few hours.  Spread out in a well-ventilated place until tops are thoroughly dry (2 - 3 weeks).  Cut tops off 1-2" above bulbs, or braid tops together into strings.  Store loose bulbs in  a dry, cool, airy place in baskets; hang garlic strings".  

Garlic Safe Methods to Store, Preserve and Enjoy


Illinois Bundle Flower (Desmanthus illinoensis )

This is an upright perennial reaching a height of 1 to 3 feet.  The primary attraction of Illinois Bundleflower is the refined appearance of its fern-like foliage. The subleaflets of the compound leaves fold together at night, and they close partially during hot sunny days in order to reduce moisture loss. During the morning and evening, when sunlight is less intense, the compound leaves orient themselves in the direction of the sun in order to maximize the reception of its light.

$10.00 oz    


Indian Grass (Sorghastrum nutans)

A native grass that at one time grew throughout the the central and eastern USA prairies. Indian Grass is a warm-season, perennial tall grass that once dominated these prairies. It reaches 3 to 5 feet in height.

$2.00 oz          

Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) 

A popular perennial with smooth, 2-5 ft. stems and long-lasting, lavender flowers. Rough, scattered leaves that become small toward the top of the stem. Flowers occur singly atop the stems and have domed, purplish-brown, spiny centers and drooping, lavender rays. An attractive perennial with purple (rarely white), drooping rays surrounding a spiny, brownish central disk.

$2.00 oz    (Available 2015)


River Oats

This is a 2-4 ft., clump-forming, perennial grass bearing large, drooping, oat-like flower spikelets from slender, arching branches. The blue-green, bamboo-like leaves often turn a bright yellow-gold, especially in sunnier sites, in fall.

$10.00 oz


CORN Zea mays 


  Bloody Butcher Corn 100-110 days

Known in the U.S. since 1845; originally from Virginia.  Plants grow up to 12' tall and have at least two ears per stalk; each ear is 8-12" long.  Striking maroon and red-black kernels. Used for flour, cornmeal, or corn-on-the-cob when young.  Good drought tolerance.  Great for fall decorations.

         50 seed $2.75          4 oz $4.75          8 oz $7.75           1 lb $15.00  limited quantity


 Tuscarora Flour Corn  HEIRLOOM  120 days

It is used almost exclusively for corn flour.  The plants are 6 to 8 feet tall, and produce 12 inch red cobs with 8 rows of large white kernels.  The young corn can be used as sweet corn.  The flour resultant from the mature kernels is white and extremely soft.  Originally domesticated by Mesoamericans, it is a staple food with many other traditional uses.  Plant seeds 1 inch deep in rows or clumps, two weeks after the last frost date.  Corn needs rich soil, full sun and adequate moisture to produce good ears.  It is wind pollinated, so if you want to save seed, you will need to either stagger the planting time of different varieties, or plant them 1/4 mile apart.  Water deeply.

300 seed equals ~.23-.25 lb $12.50  limited quantity




Dakota Black Popcorn 100 days  Complete Crop Failure due to Weather 2016

A truly unique, long maturing popcorn with nearly black, pointed seeds that make delicious white popcorn with black centers.  This variety must dry fully in the field for maximum popping.  Compact plants with one ear each.  Exceptional eating quality.  Great for fall decorations.

                   50 seed $3.50          4 oz $6.00          8 oz $12.00          1 lb $20.00